Friday, May 28, 2004
How to make a linkblog in Atom
(0) commentsWednesday, May 26, 2004
Java Server Faces gets no respect
I agree that JSF is nicer then Struts, but I don't consider that much of a compliment. The problem with JSF is that they hyped it to the hilt, took years to develop it, and then the actual release wound up doing a small percentage of what existing open source frameworks that JSF is supposed to replace do. Now they are feeling a backlash from that. Also I think Java developers tend to dislike and feel threatened by anything that promises to make development easier and more visual. Everybody seems to be afraid of hordes of VB programmers invading the Java realm and taking jobs away from the “real” Java programmers. The good news about JSF (in my opinion) is that has a pretty good design, a lot of industry backing and will probably catch up to all the open source frameworks in a few more years. In the mean time you will have to do a lot more plumbing code then with other frameworks and that code will be more or less throw away whenever the "standard" equivalent comes out. I also have a feeling that by the time JSF does everything it should, the whole request/response/generate HTML paradigm will start to be superceded by rich client technologies like XUL, XForms, Flex, Longhorn, JDNC or whoever wins the browser based rich client battles to come. So no matter what, I think JSF will always be have a bad reputation. It's just a day late and a dollar short.
Monday, May 24, 2004
The limitless world of information
It doesn't take much to get Reed to hold forth on his strong, well-articulated political and social beliefs. But when it comes to spectrum, he speaks most passionately as a scientist. "Photons, whether they are light photons, radio photons, or gamma-ray photons, simply do not interfere with one another," he explains. "They pass through one another." Reed uses the example of a pinhole camera, or camera obscura: If a room is sealed against light except for one pinhole, an image of the outside will be projected against the opposite wall. "If photons interfered with one another as they squeezed through that tiny hole, we wouldn't get a clear image on that back wall," Reed says. If you whine that it's completely counterintuitive that a wave could squeeze through a pinhole and "reorganize" itself on the other side, Reed nods happily and then piles on: "If photons can pass through one another, then they aren't actually occupying space at all, since the definition of 'occupying' is 'displacing.' So, yes, it's counterintuitive. It's quantum mechanics." Surprisingly, the spectrum-as-color metaphor turns out to be not nearly as confounding to what's left of common sense. "Radio and light are the same thing and follow the same laws," Reed says. "They're distinguished by what we call frequency." Frequency, he explains, is really just the energy level of the photons. The human eye detects different frequencies as different colors. So, in licensing frequencies to broadcasters, we are literally regulating colors. Crayola may own the names of the colors it's invented, and Pantone may own the standard numbers by which digital designers refer to colors, but only the FCC can give you an exclusive license to a color itself.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Code Generation Testimonial
. . . you simply cannot be profitable in this business unless you can automatically generate the basic maintenance programs that we find ourselves writing again and again, year after year.
What BPEL is good for
It has been my experience that most people who look at BPEL solutions want a combination of the following:
1. A way to combine multiple web services into a single service (composition).
2. A method to explicitly define the flow of control between activities (or steps) in a business process.
3. The ability for management to know what step or state a process is in.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Creating Reports with SQL Reporting Service and Visual Studio .NET
Now the tricky part on how to include this report in your ASP.NET application, here you will need to use a custom control however, Microsoft does not provide a custom control like crystal report viewer custom control, in fact you will find it deployed in the samples directory of Reporting service. The custom control is located at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\Samples\Applications\ReportViewer
You can just go and open that project and compile it and use the ReportViewer DLL in your ASP.NET application. This can be done by opening your toolbox, then click Add/remove and click browse and select the ReportViewer.DLL I included the source and the DLL in the source in case you cannot find it or you didn’t install the sample applications of reporting service. Anyway after selecting the DLL you have to select the custom control from the list as shown below:
You will find the name of the Custom Control ReportViewer “Microsoft Sample Report Viewer Application”
When you are done, just include the custom control in your ASP.NET page and change the following properties.
- First you have to select the report path and this should be something like :- My Reports/Report1 - exactly the sample folder you deployed your reports in.
- Second you have to edit the ServerURL and here you enter your reporting service location http://localhost/reportserver/ this is the reporting server location, while /reports is the report server web management so take care not to get mixed up.
Once both are done, you can start viewing your report by accessing your ASP.NET web page.
Friday, May 21, 2004
This is how I want my apps to work
To build new applications, to modify those previously deployed or to customize one of our powerful application templates, you use the Designers intuitive "point and click" interface, and execute the following 5-step process... Build the data Tables
Define the Table Relationships
Create intuitive tab-based Forms for direct data interaction
Design Views for navigation and reporting
Create Filters to optionally subset your Views We then generate the application for you - forms and all! To share your new application, simply upload it to your Adesso™ Enterprise Server or to your Account on our Adesso™ Hosted Server. Use the browser-based Administration console to establish access permissions, invite users and voilà!.. your app will be shared with your team at their next Internet synchronization on devices ranging from Pocket PC's, to Tablets, to Notebooks, to Desktops! And any subsequent design updates you make will be automatically distributed!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
From the National Institute of Standards and Technology
This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to implementations and more information. Index pages list entries by area and by type. The two-level index has a total download 1/20 as big as this page.