Monday, March 15, 2004
Internet RSS Search tool
Onfolio Inc. launched their namesake product Onfolio, helping to shape and define a new and important category in Internet software -- search information management.
Onfolio helps Internet users to easily collect, organize and share their research. The product is built around the idea that 'search' has become the most common Internet activity, yet end-users have had virtually no good tools to help them manage and share all the "micro-content" that they find on the Internet.
The product tightly integrates into Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office and the Windows desktop, enabling users to capture fragments of content from web pages, email, RSS feeds, and their desktop. In essence, users create content 'collections', personal databases of micro-content that can be organized and searched locally, but then re-composed into reports that can be shared via email, posted as websites, and published as RSS feeds. characterizes it's essential role: "Onfolio faces head-on the problem of information overload, giving Internet users ways to capture and reuse the many tidbits they come across in everyday Internet use."
The uses of the product touch anyone who seriously uses the Web, whether for personal or professional use. The Onfolio website has some great usage examples to help spark your imagination.
Onfolio was founded by my brother J.J. Allaire, and also led by Allaire co-founders Adam Berrey and Charles Teague. They've done a great job creating an exceptionally useful product that will help all of us become more productive users of information on the Internet.I can personally attest that Onfolio has transformed my relationship with content on the Internet -- I am more in control of the surging amount of micro-content that floods websites, email, RSS feeds and beyond. Thanks guys!