
Friday, January 09, 2004

Interesting claim about asp.net 

Enhanced Reliability Memory Leak, DeadLock and Crash Protection ASP.NET ensures that your application is always available to your users. Memory Leak, DeadLock and Crash Protection. ASP.NET automatically detects and recovers from errors like deadlocks and memory leaks to ensure your application is always available to your users. For example, say that your application has a small memory leak, and that after a week the leak has tied up a significant percentage of your server's virtual memory. ASP.NET will detect this condition, automatically start up another copy of the ASP.NET worker process, and direct all new requests to the new process. Once the old process has finished processing its pending requests, it is gracefully disposed and the leaked memory is released. Automatically, without administrator intervention or any interruption of service, ASP.NET has recovered from the error.

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